
OLIS旋光光譜儀 Circular dichroism spectrometers

公司網址: https://www.olisclarity.com/julie-lorenz

產品說明 (點擊展開觀看)

Most scientists are not instrumentalists. And a lot of folks who need to use CD prefer simple to use, hands-off instruments.


And circular dichroism is hard, with the signal being very small, solvents absorbing much of the light, and the CD instruments themselves being finicky.  

The #1 cause of error in CD is inaccurate calibration, and traditional CDs need to be calibrated pretty frequently to be correct. Our digital design eliminates electronic calibration; the only answer is the perfectly correct one. 
Other advantages of our digital approach are :
  • Stability over all duration experiments, from fast readings to very slow thermal melts 
  • Ease of use, since there are no user settings for amplitude, sensitivity, & time constants
  • Equal success with signals large and small, with linearity over at least 5 orders of magnitude
  • Reversible noise reduction, so there can never be doubt whether structure was lost by too much data processing 
  • Relentless reliability 
OLIS DSM CDs require zero service visits, collect CD by definition, i.e., CD = abs(L) - abs(R), and last forever. They are hand-made in the Athens, Georgia, and are used in top research labs worldwide.
Make CD a little easier by going digital.

Reply to this email for details about the OLIS DSM 20 CD (shown below) or DSM 17 UV/Vis/NIR CD.


See these and other models in our 2020 catalog




