
E-Scrap Grinding Hammer Mill / E-Destroyer Hammer Mill電子廢料粉碎機


產品說明 (點擊展開觀看)


E-Scrap Grinding Hammer Mill


Complete data destruction in one pass. Liberates components for down-stream separating and recycling.


The pulverizing action of the E-Cycler completely scours electronic media of data while simultaneously liberating the majority of components for easy separation and recycling.  Independent testing of computer hard drives has proven that no retrievable data can be found after processing through the E-Cycler.


Available in seven standard sizes, the E-Cycler is roughly 1/3 the price of a shredder, with lower overall operating costs and higher production.  With the ability to process computer hard drives at a rate of one per second, the E-Cycler can also process cellular phones, printed circuit boards, semiconductors, CDs and more – all without any system reconfiguration.


Disintegrate your solid state drives


The dual stage E-Destroyer Hammer Mill offers super-fine electronic scrap grinding, under 2MM, at very high production rates.


The Dual Stage Hammer Mill features two gravity discharge industrial hammer mills, stacked one over the other. This unique design is ideal for two distinct processing goals: reducing large, bulky materials to a fine consistency, and grinding free flowing material to a ultra fine finished particle size.


The energy resulting from the dual revolving rotors produces a suspension zone that provides additional size reduction. As a result, a finer grind is achieved in one pass through the dual stage mill, than can be achieved in multiple passes through a single stage hammer mill.

Hard Drives

Printed Circuit Boards














Solar Panel Glass

Glass Bottles








Pressed Metal Powders

Stainless Steel Lathe Turnings


Brass Shell Casings

Aluminum Cans