

OceanDirect 是用於控制 Ocean Insight 光譜儀的首要設備驅動平台。 從其前身 OmniDriver 升級,現在無需 Java 層或虛擬機,OceanDirect 提供了一個函數庫,讓您可以輕鬆地為您的 Ocean Insight USB 接口光譜儀編寫自定義軟件解決方案。 OceanMath 是一系列軟件庫產品,提供光譜計算和採集數據的數據處理。 OceanMath 被組織成一系列庫,這些庫將提供專注的、特定於應用程序的、經過全面測試的光譜處理功能實現。模塊受許可控制並單獨定價。

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New Software Development Kit

Turn spectral data into the answers you need with OceanDirect. This powerful new SDK allows users to program custom solutions for Ocean Insight spectrometers.

Ocean Math

New Tool for Spectral Calculations

OceanMath is a family of software library products that provides spectral processing and math functions for tasks including linear regression analysis and axis-unit transformations.

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